Monday, March 23, 2020
Explore the Process of Recruitment and Selection of Staff in Casinos, in Las Vegas
Research Statement The research will be conducted to find out how staff members are recruited and selected in casinos, in Las Vegas. The research will look into criteria used and qualifications required for one to be recruited to work in casinos.Advertising We will write a custom proposal sample on Explore the Process of Recruitment and Selection of Staff in Casinos, in Las Vegas specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Rationale and Research Questions Working in a casino, in Las Vegas, is quite appealing because there are many casinos. However, getting a job is quite difficult in Las Vegas. Many people have confessed that it is exceedingly hard for an individual to secure a job in Las Vegas despite many openings available (Shaffer and Hall, 2006). This has raised questions regarding the criteria used by employers to recruit staff. In fact, gambling and hospitality business is doing uncommonly well in Las Vegas, and this is the reason why there are many casinos. There are many people working in these casinos, and at the same time, there are a number of others who are jobless. Casino workers need to be truly effective and keen to ensure that they monitor activities inside the casinos. For instance, gambling must be observed to ensure that gamblers remain calm despite having several instances of conflicting arguments. Therefore, these employees need to be there to intervene and ensure that game rules are followed. In addition, those working in the hospitality section of casinos need to be very thorough to ensure that their customers appreciate their efforts and services (Michand, 2001). This study is useful to the entire society because people will be able to understand what they need to apply for jobs in Casinos. In addition, the research will be able to outline several aspects considered when recruiting and selecting staff for these casinos. This is extremely beneficial since managers of the casinos may be given the report to read about recommendations made by researchers. The research will be able to shed light on the reason why people struggle to get jobs while there are many casinos in Las Vegas (Derek and Douglas, 2001). The secret behind this can only be unveiled by carrying out researches regarding recruitment of staff for casinos. Therefore, the research question for this study will be: Is recruitment and selection of casinos staff in Las Vegas discriminatory? Literature Review Working in casinos is not the best thing for anybody considering the type of activities that takes place inside those premises. In fact, the job involves gambling where people place bets and rely on luck to get win or lose. Therefore, employees are exposed to psychological issues and when recruiting staff managers should come up with a way of ensuring that they select people with sober minds (Long, Clard and Liston, 2004).Advertising Looking for proposal on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This happens because as employees work with people from different cultural backgrounds, they keep close contacts with them and can be affected by some of their problems. For instance, dealing with problem gamblers can be quite tasking hence discouraging workers. The casino job is risky as employees may be involved with conflicts leading to fights hence affecting their health or physical looks. In a case where a gambler feels that the employee is colluding with their opponent against them, may be disastrous as the gambler may become violent demanding their rights to fair game. This means that casino workers need to be psychologically fit in order to contain such gamblers hence enjoying their job (Lam, Zhang and Baum, 2001). Casinos employees may be exposed to deviant work place behaviors, and this poses a serious challenge whenever managers are recruiting and selecting their staff. This results from the fact that casino employees keep close contacts with gamblers some of which are criminals. In addition, gamblers express their feelings towards casino employees not only in terms of customer satisfaction but also their emotions. This means that drunken customers may harass employees, and to some extent they involve them in physical confrontations (Lam, Zhang and Baum, 2001). As a result, these employees may turn to use of drugs in search for solace because they have to retain their jobs for survival. Therefore, casinos’ human resource personnel have to find people of strong morals who can handle any customer without losing their morale and the will to work. In some cases, casino workers get sexually harassed or even assaulted by angry gamblers and this calls for management to come up with adequate rules to safe guard their staff. Employees are also required to work extra hard to meet demand of all customers effectively. This is due to high turnover in casinos as customers flock to gamble and have their favorite drinks during their leisure time (Ladouceur, 2002). When recruiting employees, the human resource department should develop a way of knowing how applicants can handle high numbers of employees. In addition, employees need to be highly reliable in order to keep everything running in casinos. This is critical because customers have to be treated in a given manner and both staff and customer security must be enhanced. When recruiting staff, human resource personnel should make sure that they select candidates who show reliability traits.Advertising We will write a custom proposal sample on Explore the Process of Recruitment and Selection of Staff in Casinos, in Las Vegas specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Working in casinos requires one to be trustworthy to ensure that the rules of gambling are observed to provide fair deals to all involved parties. This means that honest people should be given a chance whenever selection is being done. This is because customers love gambling in casinos where they accredit their win or loss. This means that customers are not expected to question actions of employees as far as gambling is concerned (Kaplan, 2005). Casinos where workers collude to give some parties unfair deals are always faced by issues such as fighting which may turn to be fatal. Therefore, selection of employees must be done with care to ensure that casinos get qualified candidates to promote peace and stability. Furthermore, casino employees should be willing to learn as they may be required to understand how gambling is done. In fact, it has been found that many casino workers end up being gamblers in their lives. This means that they have to learn rules of gambling hence attaining experience on how to solve some disputes between gamblers (Hsieh, Liang and Hsieh, 2004). During recruitment and selection of casino staff, human resource personnel should consider people who are ready to learn. In many ca ses, casinos require people with basic experience in military training because security is vital. Therefore, the staff selection panel should make sure that they consider people with past experience in the military or in private security firms in order to have workers who have adequate skills in handling security cases (Kaplan, 2005). In addition, casino workers are required to have high skills in public relations. This can enable them to approach any gambler and convince them to reason without causing violence in case there is any dispute. Public relation skills are tremendously significant because it portrays how well hospitality staff can work and achieve their set operational goals. Staff at casinos must be able to use their common sense in serving customers within their work place. This can be vital in averting instances of assault or harassment. For example, they can compromise in order to solve upcoming conflicts (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, 2001). The s election panel should be particularly keen to select these employees because loyalty to the company is essential for company prosperity. They should use their selection skills and knowledge to ensure that they identify candidates who can be loyal to the company and recruit them.Advertising Looking for proposal on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Methodology An overall introduction The study will involve data collection aimed at gathering adequate information that will help researchers to come up with an inclusive report. This study will be based on some assumptions which have to be proved by the researchers. For example, it is assumed that employers select people according to their looks. This has to be proved after the research hence calling for adoption of the most effective methods of collecting data. Researchers need to be positive about carrying out the research since this will be the only way to get answers to their question. This is important because they will get to the bottom of the matter regardless of the process that may be involved. It is necessary for researchers to identify the most convenient data collection method to use in order to attain adequate and reliable information from the target population (Harrahs Entertainment, 2004). Methods Researchers will use questionnaires to collect data from casino worker s. This method is effective because it allows respondents to take their time in responding to research questions. For instance, casino mangers who are busy may find it difficult to get time for having interviews with researchers. Therefore, researchers can leave a questionnaire in the office so that the manager can pick it and fill in either from their offices or their homes and return it to the office for collection (Cathy, 2001). Questionnaires are advantageous because they can reach all target respondents regardless of their schedules. In addition, researchers will make use of interviews to collect data from casino workers. This is where data collectors will be visiting casino workers to find out information about their recruitment and selection. This is a remarkably effective method of data collection because oral dialogues are involved (Harper, 1999). This gives data collectors opportunities to ask all relevant questions and seeks clarifications where possible. Interviews end u p giving data collectors the most collect information for research. Interviews may be expensive to conduct because people will be required to travel from one place to another trying to reach as many respondents as possible hence making the whole process expensive. Finally, data can be collected using observation method. This is where researchers record what they know about casinos from their own experience. This method is vital because it gives room to data verification procedures since the data researchers can be asked to shed more light on their observations (Garry, Harold and Tim, 2003). In fact, observation gives firsthand information because some of the researchers might have been involved in recruitment and selection of casino staff. This may put them at a position to give useful information for research. Sampling The sample of the population for this study will include workers at the casino. These will include selected employees who will be required to respond to questions co ncerning their work place. Human resource personnel will be involved in the study, as well. This is because they are best positioned to give information regarding requirements set for one to be selected (Gupta and Derevensky, 2000). Finally, casino managers will be required to answer some questions regarding the quality of employees they consider for their businesses. Technical Ethical problems The research will be conducted in accordance with rules governing researchers. These should include adherence to set rules and laws aimed at ensuring that respondents’ rights are protected. This means that any information voluntarily given by respondents during the study remains confidential. This helps in curbing situations where workers are intimidated for giving information concerning their workplaces or their bosses to researchers (Gomez-Mejia, Balkin and Cardy, 2001). In cases where names of respondents have to be included in report writing, real names should never be used, but in stead researchers should come up with other names. They should put a note within the report to show that names used in the report are not the real names of respondents. Finally, researchers should observe the code of conduct set by laws that guide the researchers on people to involve in research. For instance, it is illegal to use children to respond to research questions regarding some aspects of social life. In fact, even when one is carrying out a study among children of a given age, permission from their parents or teachers has to be granted. This protects the rights of children as they may be tricked into exposing information without their parents’ consent. Vulnerable groups among the society should also be handled with care by researchers. This means that they should never be involved in researches, and if it is necessary proper procedures should be followed to ensure that information gathered is for their good (Bennett and Robinson, 2000). In addition, data collectors should use formal approaches when collecting data. This means that data collectors should be able to cooperate with their respondents in terms of timings (Griffin, O’Leary-Kelly and Collins, 2000). References Bennett, R. J. Robinson, S. L. (2000). Development of a Measure of Workplace Deviance, Journal of Applied Psychology, 85, 349-360. Cathy, A. E. (2001). What Keeps You Up at Night? Key Issues of Concern for Lodging Managers, Hotel and Motel Management, 42(2), 38-45. Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (2001). Labour Turnover, retrieved from web. Derek, B. Douglas, F. (2001). The Sure Hand of Surveillance, Security Management, September, 87. Garry, S., Harold, W., Tim, H. (2003). Examining Police Records to Assess Gambling Impacts: A Study of Gambling-Related Crime in the City of Edmonton, The Alberta Gaming Research Institute. Gomez-Mejia, L. R., Balkin, D. B., Cardy, R. L. (2001). Managing Human Resources, 3rd ed., New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Griffin, R. W., O’Leary-Kelly, A., Collins, J. (2000). Dysfunctional Work Behaviors in Organizations, Trends in Organizational Behavior, 5, 65-82. Gupta, R. Derevensky, L. J. (2000). Adolescents with Gambling Problems from Research to / 30 / Treatment, Journal of Gambling Studies, 16(2/3). 315-342. Harper, D. (1999). Spotlight abuseâ€â€Save profits, Industrial Distribution, 79: 47-51. Harrahs Entertainment (2004). Know When to Stop before You Start, retrieved from web. Hsieh, A. T., Liang, S. C., Hsieh, T. H. (2004). Workplace Deviant Behavior and Its Demographic Relationship among Taiwan’s Flight Attendants, Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality Tourism, 3(1), 19-32. Kaplan, H. B. (2005). Self-attitudes and Deviant Behavior, Pacific Palisades, CA: Goodyear. Ladouceur, R. (2002). Understanding Gambling and Problem Gambling: a Step in the Right Direction, AGA Responsible Gaming Lecture Series, 1(1), 1-10. Lam, T., Zhang, H. Q., Baum, T. (2001). An Investigation of Empl oyees’ Job Satisfaction: the Case of Hotels in Hong Kong, Tourism Management, 22. 157-165. Long, P. T., Clard, J., Liston, D. (2004). Win, Lose, or Draw: Gambling with America’s Small Towns. Washington DC: Rural Economic Policy Program, The Aspen Institute. Michand, L. (2001). Turning the Tables on Employee Turnover, RSI: Roofing Siding, Insulation 78, 15-16. Shaffer, H. J., Hall, M. N. (2006). Estimating the Prevalence of Adolescent Gambling Disorders: A Quantitative Synthesis and Guide toward Standard Gambling Nomenclature, Journal of Gambling Studies, 12, 193-214. This proposal on Explore the Process of Recruitment and Selection of Staff in Casinos, in Las Vegas was written and submitted by user Rumiko Fujikawa to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Friday, March 6, 2020
The Malefic Deity of all things Good and Bad Professor Ramos Blog
The Malefic Deity of all things Good and Bad Born into royalty, a beautiful baby girl named Aurora is introduced to her entire kingdom on her christening day. The introduction also includes all the mystical creatures that live in the kingdom, such as faeries. Princess Aurora received an honorable visit from the three great faeries of her kingdom Flora, Fauna and Merryweather. The three great faeries had come to bless the newborn baby with magical gifts such as happiness, song and much more. As Merryweather begins to bless Princess Aurora with a precious gift, a peculiar gust of green fog starts to surrounds everyone as a new fairy appears. Flabbergasted reactions and fear automatically fill the room as the fortuitous, undesired, fairy emits a malevolent aura. The unbidden malefic fairy too wanted to bestow Princess Aurora with a precious gift, casting a powerful wicked curse on the newborn. The curse being that when Aurora turns sixteen years old, she will die before sunset due to pricking her finger on a spinning wheelâ€℠¢s spindle. Merryweather adjusted the curse attempting to make it less harmful. Now when Aurora pricks her finger on the spindle, she will fall into a deep slumber waiting for a true loves kiss to awaken her.             The fairytale of Sleeping Beauty has been around since the 16thcentury, and was written by Charles Perrault, a famous French author. Perrault’s version of the fairytale influenced the two German brothers, The Grimm Brothers.These philologists were also famous authors who wrote many famous folk tales that are now popular because of Walt Disney, who turned them into the incredible films that we now know today. In Walt Disney’s version of Sleeping Beauty, Princess Aurora is sent off to a cottage by her royal parents so that she can be taken care of by the three great fairies, who are disguised as her great aunts. All three fairies will then raise Aurora and hide her true identity. Hoping that if she is hidden away from the castle by her sixteenth birthday, the curse from the evil fairy will fall off. On Aurora’s sixteenth birthday is where she will meet her true love, Prince Phillip, who is then kidnapped by t he malefic fairy. Meanwhile the wicked curse succeeds as the evil fairy tricks Aurora into pricking her finger, having her fall into her deep slumber.  Flora, Fauna and Merryweather save the prince where he, and his army, is then put up against the enraged wicked fairy who then shapeshifts into a dragon. The Dragon is defeated and Prince Phillip awakens Princess Aurora with a kiss and they live happily ever after. The malefic fairy inSleeping Beautyis also known as Maleficent, the Mistress of Evil. Maleficent is the Queen of Moors, played by Angelina Jolie in the Disney film, who was once the guardian of her land, that boarded the human kingdom, protecting it from human invaders. She is a powerful human-sized fairy, with super human strength and magic powers. Maleficent also has the abilities to fly, heal and curse individuals. The way Maleficent was created ties in perfectly with Jeffery Cohen’s third monster theory,â€Å"The Monster Is the Harbinger of Category Crisis.†(6)She was born with different features that humans do not have, in order to protect her enchanted forest, making her unique, peculiar and intimidating. Cohen states that,â€Å"Monsters are generally disturbing hybrids whose externally incoherent bodies resist attempts to include them in any systematic structuration. And so the monster is dangerous, a form suspended between forms that threatens to smash distinc tions†(Cohen 6).Because Maleficent is not human, she is already a target, but because she also uses her powers, that humans do not possess, for evil, she is categorized as a monster. Cohen’s fourth monster theory also ties into the way Maleficent is looked at and how she isn’t given a chance to prove that she means well,â€Å"The Monster Dwells at the Gates of Difference.†(7)As Cohen explains that,â€Å"monstrous difference tends to me cultural, political, racial, economic and sexual†(Cohen 7). Believe it or not, Maleficent was once a young, kind-hearted fairy with a soul generated by love. In her forest is where she met her love interest Stefan, a human boy who accidentally wandered his way into Moors. As she helps Stefan find his way back, they both discover that they have many things in common and he then promises to visit her again. As time pasts Stefan visits Moors enough for the two to develop feelings and fall in love with each other, as they grow older and mature. On Maleficent’s sixteenth birthday is when Stefan presented her with aTrue Love’s Kiss. However, after that, years pass and he stops visiting Moors. Unfortunately, the enchanted forest then becomes under attack by the greedy King Henry, and his army, yet victory is with Maleficent and her army of mystical creatures/fairies. King Henry was terribly wounded during the battle of Moors and demands that Maleficent is killed before he passes. Stefan, who now serves for the King, is sent to slay Maleficent but cannot find it in him to do so. He pays Maleficent a visit one last time and spends the night with her, drugs her, and cuts off her wings. Stefan then presents them to King Henry, who is on his deathbed, as proof that he has slain Maleficent. The injured Maleficent is heartbroken and betrayed, filled with so many emotions. She takes in a crow as her servant to â€Å"be her wings†and demands him to find Stefan, who has just been announced the new king with a newborn child born. Maleficent was infuriated to find out that King Stefan betrayed her and traded in her wings for royalty turning her into The Evil Queen of Moors, cr eating a dark kingdom. She was the uninvited malefic fairy, full of revenge for King Stefan, that casted the spell on the newborn, Princess Aurora. Due to the curse, the King sent Aurora away for safety, and frantically made sure that every spinning wheel in the kingdom was destroyed. Thesis fiveâ€Å"TheMonster Polices the Borders of the Possible†(12)ties in very well with this because once Maleficent made her appearance and cursed Aurora, a new fear was introduced. No one wanted to leave the Kingdom, and so much was improvised because of the Mistress of Evil. â€Å"The monster prevents mobility, delimiting the social spaces through which private bodies may move.†(Cohen 12). Love at first sight Later on, Maleficent ends up finding the cottage, due to her crow, where baby Aurora is being kept. She dryly mutters the hate she has for the baby and calls her â€Å"Little Beastie†before leaving. She is then reunited with the Aurora who seems to be five years old and Maleficent is shown saving the child from falling. Maleficent then begins to watch over Aurora as she grows older. Fifteen years later, Princess Aurora misinterprets Maleficent as her Fairy Godmother as Aurora realized that she was being watched by Maleficent, all her life. Months pass and Maleficent has pretty much raised Aurora as her own, becoming benevolent and tries to reverse her curse unsuccessfully. This is where Aurora meets Prince Phillip and a few days later falls to her slumber, on her sixteenth birthday. Maleficent puts a sleeping spell on Prince Phillip so that when he wakes up, he is next to the Princess and can kiss her awake, but the kiss fails because it is not true love. Prince Phillip is dr agged out the room and Maleficent enters and kisses Aurora on the forehead, where she then awakens. The movie ends with Maleficent fighting King Stefan and his army, along-side with her crow that she turned into a Dragon. Aurora sets Maleficent’s wings free as they get re-attached to her and she then takes on King Stefan and his army, successfully. Peace will now be restored between the two kingdoms. Princess Aurora awakens The Mother Daughter bond Overall, after learning about Maleficent’s side of the story, you learn that she was always a kind-hearted fairy, with a pure soul who still had so much love in her heart. Maleficent was not always a monster.â€Å"We sometimes see archetypically evil characters redefined primarily by the telling of their backstories to provide rationale for their behavior and to evoke sympathy or pity from the audience†(Donnelly).She was betrayed and heartbroken by King Stefan. She became the heartless, vengeful, sorceress the kingdom knew her as and was deemed as an evil monster that would represent evil, because of King Stefan’s doings; therefore, King Stefan created this monster.â€Å"Thesis Seven: The Monster Stands at the Threshold. . . of becoming†(20).Limits were taught about the monsters we create and how monster are our children.She was feared by all and was the shadow of her former self until she experienced what true love felt like. True love was something she never truly believed in due to her treacherous past with Stefan. In the end, Maleficent’s cold heart turned pure again due to Princess Aurora. This Mistress of evil easily gets a 5/5. Seeing Disney create the reasoning to Maleficent’s actions inSleeping Beautyand to learn about her side of the story was truly intriguing and taught a lesson of how true love conquers all. Annotated Bibliography Cohen, Jeffrey Jerome. â€Å"Monster Culture (Seven Theses).†Monster Theory: Reading Culture, University of Minnesota Press, 1997, pp. 3–25. This source is a credible published book source that cites the sources being used in the text, and it was a really helpful article that I used to help describe Maleficent as a monster. All seven of the monster culture theses is relevant to Maleficent, though thesis seven seemed to be the most relevant in Maleficent’s case. Thesis seven explains how Monsters stand on the threshold of becoming. Maleficent was a kind-hearted fairy with a pure soul who was betrayed by her love interest King Stefan. He steals her wings as a trophy to present to the previous King to gain royalty, and because of this unfortunate event, this is what poisons her pure heart and turns her into a revengeful, wicked creature. Dartnall, Jane. ‘Sleeping Beauty’The Cambridge Guide to Childrens Books in English, edited by Victor Watson, Cambridge University Press, 1st edition, 2001.Credo Reference, Accessed 18 Jul. 2019. This credible article explains the story of sleeping beauty and where it originates from. The original dark twisted version vs. the story that we know and are familiar with because of Charles Perrault, which is where Walt Disney got his ideas from when creating the Disney version of Sleeping Beauty. The well-known version that we love. This article was helpful for me as it explains where the idea of Maleficent originates from, from the old fashion fairytale. It also shows proof that Maleficent was always evil at the time until we were able to see her side of the story in the movie. Donnelly, Colleen Elaine. â€Å"Re-Visioning Negative Archetypes of Disability and Deformity in Fantasy: Wicked, Maleficent, and Game of Thrones.†Disability Studies Quarterly, I found this journal to be very useful as it talks about how there are some characters in fantasy and horror stories/films that embody terror and evil, because we say so. Once an evil character tells their side of the story as to why they became monsters, we then humanize these characters or â€Å"monsters†due to pity and sympathy. Stories liked this, which is relevant to Maleficent, places the audience in their shoes as it shows us how they’ve become isolated from the rest of society, due to stereotypes that are learned. The oblivious behaviors categorizes monsters into â€Å"others†when we do not know their back story. â€Å"IN FAIRYLAND The Finest of Tales by the Brothers Grimm.†Kirkus Reviews, vol. 86, no. 24, Dec. 2018, p. 76.EBSCOhost, This scholarly article was very useful for me as it explains the two famous Grimm Brothers and the mystical stories that they have gifted us with. This article explains the fairytales we know and love, and explains every creature created by the Grimm brothers. What stood out to me was the topic on Fairies, since Maleficent is a fairy. It talks about the idea of fairies and where they originate from and how they came to be about, of course along with other famous fairytales and creatures. Weinstock, Jeffrey Andrew. Introduction: Monsters are the Most Interesting People.The Ashgate Encyclopedia of Literary and Cinematic Monsters, Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock, Ashgate Publishing, 1st edition, 2014.Credo Reference, Accessed 18 Jul. 2019. This is a credible scholarly article that I found to be really intriguing and extremely helpful when explaining hot monster are actually created by us and how we are still somewhat fascinated with monsters because they change over time. Monsters are just plain and simply interesting to us. Whether it is literature and cinema, to folklore, we are still fascinated by monsters because they reflect our own anxieties. That human creativity does not compare to the monster we created, to entertain us.
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