Sunday, January 26, 2020
An Overview Of The Book Of Ruth Theology Religion Essay
An Overview Of The Book Of Ruth Theology Religion Essay The Bible is full of inspirational concepts and full of revelatory truth. While the Old Testament points to Jesus of New Testament, it also contains basic doctrines that are established in the New Testament. Hence, words like kindness, faithfulness and mercy have their root in the Hebrew Bible. Hesed is an interesting and fascinating Hebrew word that has a wide range of meaning. The desire to study it makes one to learn a great deal about the characters and attributes of God as it relates to His kindness, faithfulness, goodness, mercy and steadfast love. Hesed was explicitly expressed in the Bible, most especially in the Old Testament. God revealed Himself to His chosen nation (Israel) through His personal attributes and characters (Jenkins,2011:1). No discussion of hesed would be complete without mentioning its role in the interactions of Naomi, her Moabite daughter-in-law Ruth, and the redeemer Boaz. It is on this fact that this paper answers the following questions: What does the concept of hesed entails? What is the general overview of the Book of Ruth? How is hesed described in the book of Ruth? And what implications do hesed present to the Nigerian Christians? This paper therefore intends to discuss how hesed was embraced and expressed in the Book of Ruth. THE CONCEPTS OF HESED There is a beautiful and rich word in the Hebrew language that powerfully describes the faithfulness, mercy, steadfastness and loving-kindness of the Lord. This Hebrew word is transliterated into English as hesed (Maxey, 2012:1). Hesed (pronounced khesed) is not just a Hebrew word to be translated by exegete as simply loving-kindness or mercy , it is in fact an attribute of God. The hesed of God is a divine characteristic and is at the center of why God acts as He does in real space and time. (Belnap,2009,1) Hesed as Jenkins(2011) asserted can be divided into the following three categories: family relationships, relational and religious (1). He went further to describe its occurrences in the Bible in the following words: Hesed occurs in the family relationships categories seven times in the Old Testament, six times in Genesis, once in 1samuel and once in Ruth. Hesed occurs in nine times in a relational way in the Old Testament- once in Ruth, once in Psalms, once in Esther, once in Daniel, twice in Ezra, once in Job, once Psalms and once Zechariah. Hesed used in a religious category involves forty times in the Old Testament- four timed in Genesis, once in Exodus and Deuteronomy two times in 2nd Samuel, fifteen times in Psalms. Once in 1Kings, once in 2nd Chronicles, once in Job, three times in Isaiah, once in Jeremiah, and once in Ruth. (2) The Bible also reveals that hesed is an attribute that children of God possess and they are commanded by God to emulate and develop it. Being made in God image, Gods people can emulate the divine attribute of hesed. While the idea of loving-kindness and mercy may seem to be only that of positive emotion, it will be demonstrated that Gods loving-kindness is a two-edged sword. Hesed can also mean a mechanism of judgment and accountability before God. People can be described as having the gift of hesed or having no hesed, or no loving-kindness. Hesed is both a Hebrew word and more importantly a Jewish theological concept. Hesed is found approximate 250 times in the Hebrew Bible, with about125 appearances in the Psalms alone. And while the word is not identified specifically as hesed in the Greek New Testament, the Old Testament concept of loving-kindness, mercy and selfless giving can be said to be the very heart of the New Testamnt Gospel. For God so loved the world that He gaveà ¢Ã¢â €š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Jn 3:16) (Emilio, 2012:4). AN OVERVIEW OF THE BOOK OF RUTH The Book of Ruth is named after one of the main characters in the story. There are two books in the Bible that bear the name of a woman. These books are: Ruth and Esther. While Ruth was Moabites, Esther on the other hand was a Jewess. The Book of Ruth has the records of a Gentile woman who came to live among the people of Israel and became the great-grandmother of David, Isreal greatest king; while in the Book of Esther an Israelite woman was taking into the court of the Gentile king and became a queen who secured deliverance for her people (Cowle, 2008; 22). Also, Tiessen in his write up portrays the book of Ruth as one of the most well-crafted pieces of literature in the Old Testament. He submits that: Despite its lesser status within the Jewish canon and the Christian Bible, the narrative of Ruth is well known. This popular familiarity is largely due to the engaging and challenging story the book offers: The tale of two women who overcome several formidable obstacles and succeed in preserving themselves and the family line, which eventually leads to the great King David (Tiessen,2010:1) The name of Ruth is mentioned twelve times in this book which bears her name (Heijkoop, 1989:7). The meaning of this name is friendship. This meaning according to Harlow (1987) reflected in the relationship of Ruth with her mother in-law (Naomi), and other people that came along her way. Even though she was a stranger in a strange land she blended well with the people because being friendly was part of her (5). This book of Ruth is in connection with the geneology of Jesus Christ as recorded in (Matt 1.5). Heijkoop (1989) also asserted that, The book itself beautifully illustrates how the Holy Spirit gathers up family circumstances in a manner which quite naturally directs the mind and thoughts to a very important truth(7). This special story in the Book of Ruth draws ones attention to the most precious titles of the Lord Jesus Christ. The word kinsman as used here could be translated as Redeemer or Avenger. This little book of only four chapters has drawn tributes from very many, and it has even been described as the Perfect Story. It is told simply and directly. Cundall and Morris (1968) in their own assertions described this book in the following words: The book is a book about friendship. The devotion that Ruth shows to Naomi and the care that Naomi exercises towards Ruth run through the book. It is simple a tale of friendship. The three principal characters of the book are depicted as being mindful of their obligations to the family. Ruth does not forget her duty to Naomi, and consequently to Elimelech, Naomi seeks out a marriage that will preserve the name of her deceased husband while Boaz marries the Moabites to raise up the name of the dead (241). It is better to see the book as a tale told because it is true and because it shows something of the relationship between God and man. The book of Ruth raises the question of whether or not Yahweh can be trusted. The incident suggests to Naomi that God had abandoned her or He is no more reliable. The author of the is unknown, but the last verse of chapter 4 points to the fact that it was written during the time of king David because the is where the list of Ruth descendants ends. (Harlow,1987; 6). The story according to Reid (2000), is told from a female point of view and certainly seems to commend Naomi and Ruth to believers (25). HESED IN THE BOOK OF RUTH The book of Ruth revolves around the concept of hesed. Hesed is an active concept and it is considered as an essential part of the nature of God. The word is frequently used to describe the gracious and merciful practices of God (Farmer, 1991: 96). Human beings, as said earlier are also expected to show hesed to one another. The Book of Ruth is about a stranger who had probably not encountered God personally but might have been hearing her mother in-law talked about that God. This gentile woman acted as an agent of Gods hesed when she showed hesed to Naomi. When Naomi thought that every hope was gone, this non- Israelite woman that brought hope by showing kindness to her mother in-law. In accordance with this, Farmer asserted: Ruths speech in 1:16-17constitutes an act of hesed. By committing herself and her future to the Lord, Ruth becomes the means through which God will transform Naomis emptiness into fulfillment. The Lord will be able to work through the loving-kindness of Ruth to change a crises situation into an occasion for hope. The Book of Ruth is a special book Christians should study and ponder well upon. It has an unhappy beginning, an uncertain middle and a happy ending. The tragedy that befell Naomi made her to forget that YHWH is still in control and that He can still bring redemption. This reflected in her statement: 8 Then Naomi said to her two daughters-in-law, Go back, each of you, to your mothers home. May the Lord show kindness to you, as you have shown to your dead and to me. 9 May the Lord grant that each of you will find rest in the home of another husband. Then she kissed them and they wept aloud 10 and said to her, We will go back with you to your people. But Naomi said, Return home, my daughters. Why would you come with me? Am I going to have any more sons, who could become your husbands? 12 Return home, my daughters; I am too old to have another husband. Even if I thought there was still hope for me even if I had a husband tonight and then gave birth to sons- 13 would you wait until they grew up? Would you remain unmarried for them? No, my daughters. It is more bitter for me than for you, because the Lords hand has gone out against me! 14 At this they wept again. Then Orpah kissed her mother-in-law good-by, but Ruth clung to her. 15 Look, said Naomi, your sister-in-law is going back to her people and her gods. Go back with her. ( Ruth:8-15) NIV Naomi tried to convince the women to go back home She even reminded them of their mothers house. She knew the weak spot of Moabites female. The existence of Moab was the result of willfulness of the part of Moabs first mother, who at all costs had to have a relationship with a man and have children. (Gen 19:30-38) And the daughters of Moab had manifested the same willfulness (Heijkoop 31-33). Naomi directly blames YHWH for the tragic circumstances of her life. Believing that everything came from God. Her situation can be related to that of Job. Job accepted the misfortune that came upon him is from God. He said: Have pity on me, my friends, have pity, for the hand of God has struck me. Why do you pursue me as God does? Will you never get enough of my flesh? (Job 19:21-22). NIV Bruggeman, quoted by Tiessen explained the thoughts of job in relation to that of Naomi in these words: Job asks: Is God reliable? And Job, in his rage, entertains the option that Yahweh is not. Naomi, like Job, is in the throes of tragedy and likewise expresses and entertains the option that Yahweh is not reliable. Notice that in 1:13b Naomi asserts that the hand of Yahweh is against her, and thus she excludes her daughters-in-law who also have experienced profound loss through the deaths of their husbands (4). Naomi also pointed to her lonely position. A life without a husband and no children who would give her hope. All was Gods fault. Not only did Naomi try to keep her daughters-in-laws from joining her by depriving them of any hope of help, but she had also given them a total false picture of God, who actually is the husband to the widows and helper to the strangers. She indicated that God was responsible for all her misfortune, instead of admitting that she had brought those things upon herself by leaving God and His appointed place where they would have blessings (Heijkoop,36). She and her entire family chose to go to Moab neglected the place where they would have had the experience of Gods hesed as the Psalmist expressed: Behold, the Lords eye is upon those who fear Him who revere and worship Him with awe, who wait for Him and hope in His mercy and loving-kindness, To deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine (Ps 33:18-19). Naomis great effort to dissuade her daughters-in-law from accompany her seems strange, especially in view of her desire that they become true children of the Lord God of Israel. However, it seemed to be the only course she could take in view of her dire circumstances (Parker, 1980:144). While Orpah yielded to the advice of her mother in-law, went back to her own people and gods. Ruth clave to her, And Ruth said, Urge me not to leave you or to turn back from following you; for where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there will I be buried. The Lord do so to me, and more also, if anything but death parts me from you (1:16-17). The strong desire of Ruth to go with Naomi symbolized her commitment to her and her God. Ruth was neither obliged for expected to become her mother-in-laws source of support. But once they were back in Bethlehem she was the one who went into the fields to glean the bits of grain that the harvests missed. Ruth indeed was a good daughter in-law. Her kindness was a total self sacrifice. She took the initiative in providing for their needs by suggesting that Naomi let her glean ear of corn. Gleaning, according to Parker (147) was a special provision of God written into the law to provide for the poor, especially for strangers, widows, and orphans (Lev. 19:9-10; 23:22; Deut.24:19). The practice required that owners should leave at harvest the corners of their fields and the droppings of the harvesters to care for the unfortunate groups of people. The attitude of Ruth towards Naomi by volunteering herself to take care of her is an expression of hesed which actually belongs to YHWH. One would wonder how a gentile could display the attributes that Gods children should possess. Emilio responded in the following words: How then did Ruth, a Moabitess, come by this divine trait which was originally given by God to the descendents of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? The answer to this mystery is not found in the Holy Bible. However the Talmudic explanation is of value and interest because it helps clarify the theology of hesed which is found in both the OT and NT. Simply put, the Sages held that Ruth was a direct descendent of Abraham by way of Lot. They teach that Ruth was the daughter of Eglon and the granddaughter of Balak who were direct descendents of Moab the son of Lot and nephew of Abraham. Thus Ruth was an inheritor of the seed of lovingkindness which Abraham planted in Lot (Emilio, 2012) The hesed that Ruth showed to Naomi made it possible for her to meet her redeemer. Ruth met Boaz and received unexpected praise and favour. 11 And Boaz said to her, I have been made fully aware of all you have done for your mother-in-law since the death of your husband, and how you have left your father and mother and the land of your birth and have come to a people unknown to you before. 12 The Lord recompense you for what you have done, and a full reward be given you by the Lord, the God of Israel, under Whose wings you have come to take refuge! 13 Then she said, Let me find favor in your sight, my lord. For you have comforted me and have spoken to the heart of your maidservant, though I am not as one of your maidservants. 14 And at mealtime Boaz said to her, Come here and eat of the bread and dip your morsel in the sour wine [mixed with oil]. And she sat beside the reapers; and he passed her some parched grain, and she ate until she was satisfied and she had some left [for Naomi]. 15 And when she got up to glean, Boaz ordered his young men, Let her glean even among the sheaves, and do not reproach her. Ruth 2:11-15 The writer of this paper has discovered that Ruth and Boaz are like-minded people. The similarities between them are emphasized. Reid (2000), enumerates their similarities as follows: Boaz praised Ruth for her kindness to Naomi (Ruth 2:11-12) and Ruth praised Boaz for his generous kindness to her (Verses 10, 13). As Boaz enters the field, he pronounced a kindly phrase, The Lord be with you!(verse 4). This suggests that Boaz is such a leader who values and respected his employees. The workers respond, The Lord bless you! Boaz is clearly a good, kind man; who is suitable for good, kind Ruth (41). Studying this Book one will discover that God is at work even in the lives of his people. Ruths story reveals loud and clear that through the ordinary and unpredictable aspects of everyday life, one experience the reality of Gods care (Reid, 2000:25-28). IMPLICATIONS OF HESED FOR NIGERIAN CHRISTIANS Hesed in the book of Ruth is significant to the Nigerian Christians. It expresses how good and faithful YHWH is to His promises. He remembered Naomi in her low estate (Psalm 136: 23), even though she and her family brought the tragedy upon themselves. Many Nigerians Christians today run to Oversee countries because of the economical situation of their father land. Some of them are lost not remembering home again. The writer of this paper is of the opinion that there is still hope for Nigeria. The situation can still be better than what it is, if only Nigerian Christians can hope in God and trust Him absolutely. Similarly, hesed in the Book of Ruth stresses both family and community loyalty. Naomi thought first of the welfare of her daughters-in-law. She always acted with their best interest in mind. Boaz was noble. Ruth was loyal. Kent, (1980) submits that the simple narrative also amply illustrates the Lords providential care. God is clearly at work in the lives of those open to Him (143). Nigerian Christians are to commit to one another so as to be of help to one another in terms of needs; an adage says a friend in need is a friend indeed Also, as God expressed hesed (mercy) to His people, He expects them to reciprocate. God was ever faithful and devoted to His people (Israel) in the ancient time and He is still the same God of the contemporary times. In like manner does He expect faithfulness, total dedication and devotional life from the Nigerian Christians. The Christian leaders are expected to be faithful and dedicated to the position they are holding. They should be mindful of the welfare of their followers. As God is good and loyal to His promises, Boaz was good and kind to his followers so the Nigerian Christians should be good and loyal to one another. Also, Nigerian Christians should see God as a God of love and should demonstrate that love into their personal lives and ministries towards others. By doing this, Christians will be able to demonstrate to the world in words and deeds that their lives are grounded in the character of God who loves and desires to redeem the world through the person and work of Jes us Christ. Furthermore, it is worth noting that God can use anybody, no matter how rough the background may be. Willingness and readiness is what He desires. In like manner, Christians should pay sacrifice of taking other peoples problem upon themselves. They should be mindful of poor and the needy around them. CONCLUSION Hesed, is indeed a word denoting emotion but it is more a word of action. On the other hand, hesed is a gift from God, that is to say, God imparts a measure of His loving kindness to His children. And He expects all His children to express it to one another. Hesed, as used in this paper reveals the characters of three major people, Naomi, Ruth and Boaz. Many in this world have experienced the tragedy of Naomi and long for God to be present and active amidst situations where He does not always act in the way human beings expect. But absolute trust in Him will end in a happy way.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Article and Game Essay
Jenna Winckler had eight kills to pace Andes Central in its 3-1 victory over Bridgewater-Emery Monday night. The Eagles won by scores of 15-25, 25-7, 25-20, and 25-15. Amy Chykta had four service aces and 10 set assists, and Danielle Walder had 13 digs for Andes Central. Jessie VanLeur led the Huskies with five service aces, seven kills, and three blocks. Robbie Letcher had nine kills, and Kayla Olinger paced the defense with 16 digs. The Eagles are now 4-7 and host Scotland today. Bridgewater-Emery is 2-3 and hosts Freeman tonight in Emery. Andes Central’s junior varsity also won its match over the Huskies by scores of 25-17 and 15-15. You may want to use the above article as a guideline for future volleyball stories. Notice that the leading players’ kills, service aces, set assists, and blocks are mentioned. Since our paper comes out only once a month, we won’t worry about the next game or the record because these probably wouldn’t be accurate by the time people read the paper. Below are some action verbs that will make your sports headlines and articles livelier: SmashScoreShaveEarn TrounceFly byBattle withSqueak Past PulverizeSoar AboveSlide byBlast. TrampleSail PastSneak PastShatter Write 10 synonyms for the word beat that could be used in the following headline: Eagles Beat the Hawks. Write 3 better versions of the following sentence: Jenna had 11 rebounds, Chrissie had 9, and Casandra had 7. Strive for strong, vivid words and variety. * * * Write 3 better versions of the following sentence: Derrick had 22 points, Colter had 21 points, and Colten had 20 points. Strive for strong, vivid words and variety. * * * Write 3 better versions of the following sentence: The Eagles lost to the Hawks. (Feel free to change the subject order, if desired. Hopefully, we will never need to use one of these sentences, but if we do, we want to be as tactful as possible. ) * * * Number the typical order of how facts are written in a sports article. Which should come first, second, etc. (Hint: The date should never be first! ) _____ when _____ who_____ what _____ coach’s comments _____ where_____ how_____ why Sports Article Template http://www. weeklyreader. com/pdfs/sportsunit. pdf Before you can successfully write a sports article, you must be able to dissect one. Select a short article that interests you from the sports section of your local newspaper. Read it carefully and label it using the following categories. Label Definition/Example LEAD The lead of a sports article is creative and interesting. It grabs the reader’s attention by describing a scene, introducing a player, or using a quote. It should transport you to the game. Example: A heavy hush blanketed Fenway Park in Boston. The fans in the packed stadium stood silently, shoulder to shoulder under a charcoal-gray sky, as Manny Ramirez, the home run hitting Red Sox outfielder, stepped up to the plate. There were two outs and two men on base. The Sox were losing by one run. NUT The nut of a sports article is the paragraph that summarizes the main conflict and story. It is the place for vital information that doesn’t appear in the first paragraphâ€â€and if a reader wanted to stop reading at this point, they should walk away with all the necessary answers. Example: This was the last game of the 2003 American League Championship Series between the Boston Red Sox and their archrival, the New York Yankees. Not since 1918 had the Red Sox advanced to the World Seriesâ€â€and fans were watching with bated breath to see whether the curse would be broken. This was not to be. INFORMATIONThe body of a sports article sounds like a real news (Who, What, When,article. It includes complete information and details Where, Why, How)about a game, in logical order. Example: Who was the star player? How did the game end? What was the final play? The winning score? CONCLUSION The conclusion lets the reader know what will happen as a result of the events described. It does so in a creative and interesting way. Example: Everyone was surprised when the ball landed in Bernie Williams’s glove. A collective groan rose up from the Red Sox fans. Their team had lost. The Yankees had won again. How to Write a Game Story Writing Your Game Story http://www. joomple. com/how-to-write-high-school-game-story. htm The information presented here explains how to write a basic high school (or other) sports article. You can apply this information to writing game stories, articles, or other general news about your high school sports team. Last night’s game, next week’s â€Å"signings†(athletes confirming their intentions to attend a certain college), upcoming rivalries, or other general, newsworthy pieces can be posted on Joomple. High school game stories are easy to write, once you get the hang of it. Basically, a high school sports game story has an opening and closing paragraph with the body of the story in between. I’ll show you how to do this in a minute. But first . . . An important part of good journalism is to ensure there is no slant towards one team. In other words, if you are from one school which is playing another, try not to focus on your school as the â€Å"best team†. Be fair to each school’s team. If your team pounds the rivalry, you can mention that. But, if your team is pounded by the rivalry, mention that. Just be fair and impartial. Don’t use terms like â€Å"we†or â€Å"they†. Again, this indicates your ownership to one of the teams. â€Å"we were down 14-0†is not a good statement. â€Å"The Eagles were down 14-0†is the best method. Opening The opening paragraph should identify the â€Å"who, what, when, where, and how†of the event. Everyone knows the â€Å"why†– each team wants to win! So, generally there is no â€Å"why†in high school (or other) sports articles. The opening paragraph should be no longer than a couple of sentences – three at most. Preferably, one sentence will do the job. Along with the title, the initial paragraph will grab your readers attention, making them want to read more. It needs to include the town or city (in caps) and the date. (WE WON’T USE THEIR STYLE FOR THIS PART. ) Here is an example: AUTAUGAVILLE – August 26, 2007: Junior RB Mike Smith rushed for 186 yards and scored three TD’s to help Akron defeat Autaugaville 38-14 in tonight’s high school football season opener at James Memorial Stadium. You can see that I have the name of the town and date listed first in this format: AUTAUGAVILLE – August 26, 2007: Next, I chose to identify one of the game’s star players, Smith, emphasizing his accomplishments. I also identified the two teams, final score, and name of the stadium. Notice that I also mentioned it was a â€Å"football†game. This is important for several reasons. Primarily, your readers may not realize you are referring to a football game. Obviously, you can’t score TD’s anywhere else! But, all of your articles should indicate the sport played during the opening paragraph. Your opening can start in myriad ways. Here is another example, focusing on the teams/mascots: AUTAUGAVILLE – August 26, 2007: Akron piled up more than 600 yards in total offense and held Autaugaville to less than 50 as the Rams demolished the Eagles 38-0 in tonight’s football opener at James Memorial Stadium. Notice how I mentioned the names and mascots, though peppered throughout the sentence. Either of these two could work as an opening paragraph – even if they are just one sentence long. Others will work well. It just takes practice. The important thing to remember is you need to immediately grab the reader’s attention. You can do that by identifying who played (Akron and Autaugaville), what they were playing (high school football) and what the outcome was (38-0), when it happened (August 26, 2007 and/or â€Å"tonight’s†), where it happened (James Memorial Stadium), and how (Akron piled up 600 yards). Body The body of your game story will outline important parts of the game, significant accomplishments of players (including more about the â€Å"star player†you mentioned in your opening), and other game specific information. Include scoring performances, plays, drives, stats, goals, shooting/hitting/batting/rushing percentages, and other game data. Also, don’t hesitate to build the setting for the game. Include the number of fans in attendance, temperature, weather, etc. Here is an example: More than 5,000 Autaugaville fans welcomed the Rams to the historic 50th meeting between the two teams. With the temperature at a chilly 48 degrees at kickoff, the packed stadium came alive when the teams took the neatly manicured field. Akron opened the game with a 6-minute, 9-play, 68-yard drive resulting in a Rams touchdown. Taking the ball at the Akron 32-yard line, Rams senior QB William Braxter completed 5 of 5 passes, moving the ball to the Eagles 44. Then Smith pounded Autaugaville’s defense on three runs, and the Rams were 1st and goal at the 8-yard line. Braxter then found junior WR Dale McDonald at the corner of the end zone for the score. Kicker Daniel Washburne’s PAT put Akron up 7-0. Forcing the Eagles to punt late in the first quarter, Akron’s Smith broke free for an 81-yard TD run on the Rams’ second play from scrimmage. Washburne’s kick was good, making it a 14-0 ball game. Autaugaville scored late in the half when junior DE Billy Stewart sacked Akron’s Braxter, forcing a fumble. Team mate senior Safety Matt Wilson snatched the loose ball and returned it for 56 yards and the score. Senior kicker Dallas Petrowski’s kick split the uprights to bring the Eagles within 7. Akron’s Smith rushed for 144 yards on 8 carries during the first half, while team mate QB Braxter was near perfect completing 12 of 13 pass for 345 yards. The Eagles were held to just 15 yards rushing and 27 yards passing in the first half. â€Å"We quickly discovered their secondary was easy to penetrate,†said Akron’s Braxter after the game. â€Å"I kept finding my receivers open and of course, took advantage of that. †Akron scored on three times during the third quarter, including two coming from the defense. Junior LB Michael Devree intercepted an Eagles pass at the Rams 12-yard line, returning it 88 yards for a touchdown early in the quarter, while team mate senior DE Jake Alexander returned a kick 90 yards for the score. Up 28-7, Akron’s Braxter needed just two plays to capitalize on another Autaugaville three and out. After completing a 76-yard pass to Smith, Braxter threaded one to WR Tim BeQuilliard in the end zone as time expired on the third-quarter clock. Washburne drilled the PAT and the Rams were now ahead by 4 scores. You can continue the game, covering each score and mentioning important plays. There are several key features of a good sports article: – Stats. When you are finished with the body of your article, go back and pepper as many stats as possible throughout your article. You’ll likely have total yards for quarterbacks, running backs, and wide receivers. In baseball and softball, you’ll want to include the top two or three batters and their runs, hits, etc. , as well as pitching strikeouts, ERA’s, etc. In volleyball, you want kills. In soccer, you clearly will need goals scored. In basketball, you’ll want field goals for the top few players. These are just a few of the types of stats you should be looking for while at the game. Like I said, you can get a lot of these from the press box. And, if you are in or near the press box, your job will be that much easier. You may also be able to get this information from interested fans (moms and dads sometimes keep stats at baseball games, for example). Better yet, you should try to keep track of it yourself, where possible. In football, writing down play-by-play accounts of the game will give you everything you need in regards to stats. But, you have to make sure you have rosters for each team. This will permit you to use a term like A-13 for Akron’s QB Braxter, instead of having to write his name each time. – Plays. Every scoring drive should be covered. If you are writing a basketball, volleyball, or other â€Å"back and forth†sport, this may not be possible. But, try to mention important parts of the game. – Abbreviate where appropriate. Use â€Å"TD†when including stats in your sentence. Use â€Å"touchdown†when discussing general scoring information. Use â€Å"DE, TB, QB, etc. †instead of â€Å"defensive end, tailback, quarter back, etc. †– Watch for redundancy. Use this: â€Å"The Rams did this . . . putting Akron up 38-14,†instead of: The Rams did this . . . putting the Rams up . . . †Also, once you describe the player’s class, position and name (senior QB William Braxter, for example), don’t use this whole description again. Instead, use his last name (Braxter), or his team and name (Akron’s Braxter). When finished writing, you should check your article for this specific redundancy. Notice how in the first paragraph of the body (above) I used the name â€Å"Smith†instead of â€Å"Junior RB Mike Smith†(which is part of one of the opening paragraphs I may use). If I were to use an opening paragraph like the second example above, where Smith is not even mentioned, then I would want to include his full description (team, class, position, and name) in the first paragraph of the body text. – Pepper quotes from your post-game interviews throughout the game story – don’t just put them all at the end of the article’s body. For example, the following quote from an interview with the Akron quarterback was placed just after a mention of his first-half stats: â€Å"We quickly discovered their secondary was easy to penetrate,†said Akron’s QB Braxter after the game. â€Å"I kept finding my receivers open and of course, took advantage of that. †This quote compliments Braxter’s stats and helps break up the monotony of the article. – Use proper quote etiquette. Notice how I placed the quote symbols (â€Å") around the opening statement by Braxter above? The comma separating the opening statement from: †¦ said Akron’s QB Braxter after the always placed inside the quote (†¦ penetrate,†). Then, use quotations around the second part of the quote: â€Å"I kept finding †¦ advantage of that. †Breaking up a quote in this manner makes for good reading, as opposed to writing down everything the person said and then ending it with: †¦ advantage of that,†said Braxter after the game. or beginning it with: Braxter said after the game, â€Å"We quickly discovered their secondary was easy to penetrate. I kept finding my receivers open and of course, took advantage of that. So I always looked for the middle of the field on passing plays that were covered well. It worked for us in the first half, so I kept targeting the secondary during the second half. All in all, it was a successful strategy for us . . . †The above quote is too long and somewhat gloating. Break it up with leading text such as †¦ said Akron’s QB Braxter after the game. – Clean up quotes. If a 10-grade defensive end uses poor judgment in the words he chooses, you may not want to include that part of the quote. And, don’t hesitate to use filler text where you know it is appropriate. For example, if someone states: â€Å"†¦ we knew we had it after that†then readers may not know what that person is saying. You would emplace something like this in your quote: â€Å"†¦ we knew we had it (won the game) after that†Additional items you can include in your game stories: – Complete stats. Provide a list of known stats at the end of your article. If you have your digital camera, just take a snap shot of the stat sheets for both teams. At football games, there will most likely be someone from each team in the press box, calculating their stats. Ask them if you can make a quick photo of them when they are finished. Or, write them down. – Game Summary. You’ve seen these. They are basically outlines of the game’s scores. For example: FIRST QUARTER 2:08 – Rams – Braxter 8-yard pass to McDonald. Washburne PAT 0:01 – Rams – Smith 81-yard run. Washburne PAT Etc . . . . . . . . – Photographs. Usually, one of your best shots goes at the top of the article. You can put additional photos throughout the article. You can also post photographs in the Joomple gallery. – Video. If you want to upload a video clip (or several clips), that is possible as well. Closing The closing paragraph should include each team’s records (overall and conference/league), and who they will play next. Here’s an example: Akron (1-0/0-0) travels to Montgomery to face the Knights next Friday, while the Eagles (0-1/0-0) will host Hoover at James Memorial Stadium. The bracket â€Å"(0-1/0-0)†represents the team’s overall record and conference/league record. You can add additional comments about each of the teams Akron and Autaugaville will play if you have that information. Also, do hesitate to mention if either of the games will be played on a special night (such as homecoming). This helps draw out the fans, which improve ticket sales for the school as well as increase support for the teams. If either of the teams are ranked in the state polls, or are leading their particular conference or league, mention that in your article. If it is a county or cross-county rivalry game, indicate this as well. Perhaps this is a unique meeting between the two teams (such as the first, 50, or 100th time the teams have played each other), you should talk about that. Discuss their records vs. each other (i. e. â€Å"Akron is 43-7 versus the Eagles†. . . or â€Å"Autaugaville has won the last 12 meetings†. . . ) Opinionated information can also go in the closing. In other words, if you want to mention your views for how the conference or league is shaping up, do so. If you want to talk about a particular player’s stats, go ahead. Talk about each team’s performances. Discuss strategies for upcoming games. You can write about anything you want here – so long as it relates to the game, teams, etc. Choosing a Title Now that you have finished your game story, you will want to assign a title. A title should include a quick statement about the game. It should be no more than 5 or 6 words and contain eye-catching information. Here’s one: RAMS WIN! It’s simple and easy to read. Of course, it doesn’t explain who the team beat. This type of title should be reserved for games where everyone knows what you are talking about. For example, if it is a major game such as a conference or state championship, this will work. But, if it is a regular season game, use something like this: AKRON POUNDS EAGLES This indicates Akron defeated Autaugaville (most, but not all, of your fans will know the Eagles are the Autaugaville Eagles). Something like this is clearer: AKRON POUNDS AUTAUGAVILLE However, it does little to indicate which sports you are talking about. If you want to make it even clearer, use: AKRON POUNDS AUTAUGAVILLE 38-14 The score helps readers understand immediately that you are talking about football. Fans know that it is football season, and tennis or soccer scores don’t relate. Notice how I used the term â€Å"pounds†. Think about this. In the wild, a ram may pound his head against another ram. Using complimenting verbs is better than the boring terms â€Å"defeated†or â€Å"beat†or â€Å"won†or â€Å"lost†. Since the Rams did defeat Autaugaville Eagles, you could also compliment your verb towards the Autaugaville team. Such as: AKRON GROUNDS AUTAUGAVILLE It’s a bird we are talking about here, so the verb â€Å"grounds†works well. Here are several others: LIONS MAUL . . . GIANTS STOMP . . . ROCKETS DESTROY . . . JETS DESTROY . . . TROJANS OVERWHELM . . . Or: ROCKETS SHOOT DOWN JETS . . . MOUNTAINEERS DESADDLE WARRIORS . . . LIONS SILENCED BY INDIANS . . . The idea is to try to come up with a title that is clear, concise, and exciting. Look to imitate common phrases from T. V. Commercials or local or national idioms (sayings). You can even use something from Hollywood Movies . . . just use your imagination. Otherwise, just post the teams and results . . . like Patriots Defeat Lions 45-13. A subtitle could be used if you prefer. Usually, a player’s or team’s stats or game accomplishments go here. For example: AKRON DOWNS EAGLES IN SEASON OPENER (Title) Rams Collect 600 Yards Total Offense (Sub-title) You can also use milestones (important achievements) of teams and/or players: BEARCATS MAUL PATRIOTS IN BIG WIN (Title) QB Braxter Surpasses 8,000 Yards (Sub-title) When you put all this together, you get something like this: â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ AKRON DOWNS EAGLES IN SEASON OPENER. Rams Collect 600 Yards Total Offense Photo: Akron’s Smith breaks through for a 45-yard run in the third. Photo by Phil Smith AUTAUGAVILLE – August 26, 2007: Junior RB Mike Smith rushed for 186 yards and scored three TD’s to help Akron defeat Autaugaville 38-14 in tonight’s high school football season opener at James Memorial Stadium. More than 5,000 Autaugaville fans welcomed the Rams to the historic 50th meeting between the two teams. With the temperature at a chilly 48 degrees at kickoff, the packed stadium came alive when the teams took the neatly manicured field. Akron opened the game with a 6-minute, 9-play, 68-yard drive resulting in a Rams touchdown. Taking the ball at the Akron 32-yard line, Rams senior QB William Braxter completed 5 of 5 passes, moving the ball to the Eagles 44. Then Smith pounded Autaugaville’s defense on three runs, and the Rams were 1st and goal at the 8-yard line. Braxter then found junior WR Dale McDonald at the corner of the end zone for the score. Kicker Daniel Washburne’s PAT put Akron up 7-0. Forcing the Eagles to punt late in the first quarter, Akron’s Smith broke free for an 81-yard TD run on the Rams’ second play from scrimmage. Washburne’s kick was good, making it a 14-0 ball game. Autaugaville scored late in the half when junior DE Billy Stewart sacked Akron’s Braxter, forcing a fumble. Team mate senior Safety Matt Wilson snatched the loose ball and returned it for 56 yards and the score. Senior kicker Dallas Petrowski’s kick split the uprights to bring the Eagles within 7. Akron’s Smith rushed for 144 yards on 8 carries during the first half, while team mate QB Braxter was near perfect completing 12 of 13 pass for 345 yards. The Eagles were held to just 15 yards rushing and 27 yards passing in the first half. â€Å"We quickly discovered their secondary was easy to penetrate,†said Akron’s Braxter after the game. â€Å"I kept finding my receivers open and of course, took advantage of that. †Akron scored on three times during the third quarter, including two coming from the defense. Junior LB Michael Devree intercepted an Eagles pass at the Rams 12-yard line, returning it 88 yards for a touchdown early in the quarter, while team mate senior DE Jake Alexander returned a punt 90 yards for the score. Up 28-7, Akron’s Braxter needed just two plays to capitalize on another Autaugaville three and out. After completing a 76-yard pass to Smith, Braxter threaded one to WR Tim BeQuilliard in the end zone as time expired on the third-quarter clock. Washburne drilled the PAT and the Rams were now ahead by 4 scores. The eagles scored their final TD late in the game when senior QB Danny Jacobs connected with Wilson from 16 yards out. Akron responded with a 65-yard drive resulting in a Washburne 35-yard field goal. Final score was 38-14, Akron. Akron (1-0/0-0) travels to Montgomery to face the Knights next Friday, while the Eagles (0-1/0-0) will host Hoover at James Memorial Stadium. SCORING SUMMARY. FIRST QUARTER 2:08 – Rams – Braxter 8-yard pass to McDonald. Washburne PAT 0:01 – Rams – Smith 81-yard run. Washburne PAT SECOND QUARTER 4:22 – Eagles – Wilson 56-yard fumble return. Petrowski PAT THIRD QUARTER 6:56 – Rams – Devree 88-yard interception return. Washburne PAT 5:14 – Rams – Alexander 90-yard punt return. Washburne PAT 0:01 – Rams – Braxter 8-yard pass to Bequilliard. Washburne PAT FOURTH QUARTER 3:56 – Eagles – Jacobs 16-yard pass to Wilson. Petrowski PAT 1:15 – Rams – Washburne 35-yard field goal Mind you, this is just an example and doesn’t include every option you have at your disposal. Use your discretion. |News writing – how to write a sports report in 4 steps | |http://www. amazines. com/article_detail. cfm/232021? articleid=232021&title=news%2Cwriting%2Chow%2Cto%2Cwrite%2Clike%2Ca%2Cjournalist%2Csports%2Cwriting | |by Nazvi Careem | |News writing style is just as important for sports reporting as it is for general news, business stories or any other journalistic work. | |The advantage of sports writing is that you are allowed a little it more leeway in your choice of words. In crime or business writing, you are restricted in your use of adjectives and adverbs and are encouraged to focus more on nouns and verbs. | |Sports writing, however, allows you to go to town in describing plays, the atmosphere, fans and other colorful aspects of a sporting event. | |For this article, we will go through, step by step, how to write a straightforward sports report using quotes. | |Ideally, any sports story would have quotes from the winners and losers. Indeed, many sports articles are written around what athletes say rather than what they have achieved on the field of play. | |However, you also have sports articles written without quotes. When rookies learn how to write like a journalist, especially in sport, they are likely to come across the structure that we will show you here. | |We will adapt the NBA game between Boston Celtics and Cleveland Cavaliers on April 1 as our example article. | |1. Intro – the most important news aspect of a sports game is the score. Who won? How did they win and what effect did the victory have? Also important is whether we are writing from a Boston perspective or Cleveland. In this case, we will go with | |Cleveland. | |â€Å"Cleveland Cavaliers lost 98-96 to the Boston Celtics after Delonte West’s sank two free throws in the final seconds, dropping three and a half games behind the Pistons for the best record in the Eastern Conference. †| | 2. More info – The above is enough for those who have a passing interest in the sport. However, NBA fans would want more information and you could give it to them in one or two paragraphs. | |â€Å"The Cavaliers were without star player LeBron James, suffering from a knee injury, while the Celtics were minus Paul Pierce. Gerald Green led the way for Celtics with 25 points while Kendrick Perkins had 12 points and nine rebounds. | |The Cavaliers, for whom Larry Hughes scored 24 with Sasha Pavlovic scoring 17, have already qualified for the play-offs while Boston are out of the running. †| | 3. Quote – This is where you can provide a quote from the coach or a key player from both teams. You can precede each saying with a lead-in paragraph or go straight into the quote. | |â€Å"Celtic forward Al Jefferson, said: ‘They were missing their best player and we were missing our best play. We just stuck in there. ’ | |Cavs coach Mike Brown said James’ absence was a key factor in their loss. | |‘We miss LeBron. We miss LeBron every time he doesn’t play. He’s our guy,’ said Brown. †| |4. The rest – Once you got the main information and key quotes out of the way, you can go on to describe the game. Even better would be to describe just one or two plays and include more quotes. | |The thinking behind sports articles is that people would have watched the game on TV anyway and would not want boring game description. Therefore, quotes from the people who matter, such as athletes and coaches, would offer better reading value. | |There are many types of sports news writing that is offered around the world everyday. We have merely showed you its simplest form. Certainly, it is a rewarding form of news writing for journalists who love their sport. And the structure they use | |allow them to adapt their skills to any type of journalism writing. | |Nazvi Careem is an experienced journalist, writer and writing coach who has written for newspapers, magazines and global news agencies such as Reuters, Associated Press and Agence France-Presse. To download a free chapter of his book on news writing | |secrets, check out his website dedicated to the art of news writing. | |View more articles from Nazvi Careem | | | |This article is provided by Amazines. com – The ULTIMATE Article Database |. How To Write a Sports Article http://www. howtodothings. com/node/3374/print By Beth Danesco February 24, 2007 EMAIL ARTICLE PRINT ARTICLE Before the age of ESPN, the Internet, and instant replay, it was the reporter in the stands writing up the game for the local paper, and, okay, also the guy covering it live on radio, who made fans feel like they were right there, cheering on their favorite team, game after game. If you’re interested in writing a sports article, you will utilize general journalism â€Å"tricks of the trade†and also some specific sportswriting techniques. 1. Have a strong lead. Like any article, you want to start your sports article out with a strong lead, one that encapsulates the available information on â€Å"who, what, where, when, why and how. †Look at sports articles in almost any paper to see how they introduce the game or event they are covering with their lead paragraph. They get the reader’s attention with a strong but concise summary of the story to follow. Also, note that a lead always places emphasis on an important or interesting aspect of the story. For instance, a specific Boston Celtics loss may, in itself, not be as significant or interesting as the fact it is the fifteenth loss the team experienced in a row. The article would tell the story of the game, but the lead would introduce the game with the most important or interesting fact about it, that it’s continuing a horrible streak, and would expand on that fact in the article. 2. Write clearly and concisely. If you’ve ever read Sports Illustrated, you know that some sports articles can be what you might call â€Å"literary non-fiction:†lengthy, poetic, filled with metaphor and digressions into back story. If your particular assignment requires that kind of writing, go for it. But if you read the daily sports section of your city paper, you will also notice that most sports articles reporting on the sporting events of the past day are concisely written. Yes, sports articles include context and metaphor and technical sports terms, but they’re also to-the-point and generally stick to basic vocabulary. 3. Know the context. Like any news article, a sports article will require you to have a basic working knowledge of the universe on which you’re reporting. This may mean not only knowing all about the current players, coaches and standings but knowing some history, as well. This may be common knowledge to you, but if not, you may need to do some research. You will also need to know about the sport itself including rules, history, league standings, current controversies and other information. You may already know much of this if you’re a sports enthusiast–but be aware that a journalist may need more in-depth knowledge than a casual fan.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Fdi’s in Retail Sector in India-a Special Focus on Farmers.
FDI’S IN RETAIL SECTOR IN INDIA – A SPECIAL FOCUS ON INDIAN FARMERS. PAPER PRESENTED BY M. V. KALESWARA RAO, K. CHALAPATHI RAO DASARI. NIVAS. (Research Scholars) Dept Of Economics, Kakatiya University. WARANGAL. ? FDI’S IN RETAIL SECTOR IN INDIA – A SPECIAL FOCUS ON INDIAN FARMERS. The Foreign Direct Investment means â€Å"cross border investment made by a resident in one economy in an enterprise in another economy, with the objective of establishing a lasting interest in the investee economy.FDI is also described as â€Å"investment into the business of a country by a company in another country†. Mostly the investment is into production by either buying a company in the target country or by expanding operations of an existing business in that country†. Such investments can take place for many reasons, including to take advantage of cheaper wages, special investment privileges (e. g. tax exemptions) offered by the country. Major benefits of F DI : (a) Improves forex position of the country; (b) Employment generation and increase in production ; c) Help in capital formation by bringing fresh capital; (d) Helps in transfer of new technologies, management skills, intellectual property (e) Increases competition within the local market and this brings higher efficiencies (f) Helps in increasing exports; (g) Increases tax revenues GLOBAL RETAILING SCENARIO: Retail has played a major role in improving the productivity of the whole economy at large. The positive impact of organized retailing could be seen in USA, UK, and Mexico and also in China. Retail is the second largest industry in US.It is also one of the largest employment generators. It is also important to understand that Argentina, China, Brazil, Chile, Indonesia, Malaysia, Russia, Singapore and Thailand have allowed 100% FDI in multi brand retail. These countries benefited immensely from it. Also small retailers co-exist. The quality of the services has increased. Chi na permitted FDI in retail in 1992 and has seen huge investment flowing into the sector. It has not affected the small or domestic retail chains on the contrary small retailers have increased since 2004 from 1. 9 million to over 2. million. Take for example Indonesia where still 90% of the business still remains in the hand of small traders. FDI IN RETAIL PRESENT STATUS: 51% FDI in multi brand Retail and 100% in single brand is put hold till the time consensus is reached between the political parties. There is stiff opposition being seen within the UPA allies in context of FDI in retail. Also opposition party is seeing this as an opportunity to get the political mileage. REASONS FOR ALLOWING FDI’s IN RETAIL MARKETS Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) complements and supplements domestic investment.Domestic companies are benefited through FDI, by way of enhanced access to supplementary capital and state-of-the-art technologies; exposure to global managerial practices and opportuni ties of integration into global markets. Government had instituted a study, on the subject of â€Å"Impact of Organized Retailing on the Unorganized Sector†, through the Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER), which was submitted to Government in 2008. The ICRIER study indicated significant benefits for various stakeholders, such as consumers, farmers and manufacturers, arising from the growth of organized retail.Based upon the study, as well as the experience of other countries, it is the Government’s assessment that implementation of the policy permitting FDI, up to 51%, in multi-brand retail trading, is likely to facilitate greater FDI inflows into front and back-end infrastructure; technologies and efficiencies to unlock the potential of the agricultural value chain; additional and quality employment; and global best practices. This, in turn, is expected to benefit consumers and farmers in the long run, in terms of quality and pric e.The 30% mandatory sourcing condition has been incorporated to encourage local value addition and manufacturing. The increased level of activity, in the front-end, as well as in the back-end, resulting from greater FDI inflows, is expected to create additional employment opportunities for rural and urban youth. It is, further, expected to encourage existing traders and retail outlets to upgrade and become more efficient, thereby providing better services to consumers and better remuneration to the producers from whom they source their products.There is no procedure to shortlist companies. Foreign investors desirous of investing in retail trade (multi brand or single brand) in India are required to submit their applications in the Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, where their applications are examined to determine whether the proposed investment satisfies the notified guidelines, before being considered by the Foreign Investment Promotion Board, in the Ministry of Finance , for Government approval. As per some news items published on 17. 11. 012, Wal-Mart, USA, is stated to be inquiring into allegations of potential violations, under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of USA, in certain countries where the company is operating. India has stringent anti-corruption laws. Any corrupt practices are liable to be dealt appropriately under applicable laws. This information was given by the Minister of State for Commerce & Industry Dr. S. Jagathrakshakan in written reply to a question in Rajy Sabha. IMMENSE GROWTH OPPORTUNITY FOR RETAILERS India is Asia’s third largest retail market after China and Japan. Organized retailing is very virgin space in India.It provides immense growth opportunity. Only 5% of the total sales are being done by organized retailer. Currently Indian Retail sector have sales of around $500 billion. Retail sector is expected to have sales of $900 billion by 2014. It still far behind China, whose retail sales by 2014 is expected t o cross $4500 billion mark. Purchasing power of Indian urban consumer is growing and branded merchandise in categories like Apparels, Cosmetics, Shoes, Watches, Beverages, Food and even Jewellery, are slowly becoming lifestyle products that are widely accepted by the urban Indian consumer.The Indian retail sector can be broadly classified into: Food Retailers Health and beauty Products Clothing and Footwear Home Furniture & Household goods Durable goods Leisure & Personal Goods Of these above segment Food and beverage and clothing segment is expected to grow exponentially. GROWTH DRIVERS OF INDIAN RETAIL SECTOR: Rising Income and increase in convergence of consumer taste and preferences. Dual family Income. Knowledge about different product through different medium like Internet, Television etc. Also knowledge abou t the latest trend and fashion. 7% of the India’s population is under the age of 30. This category is driving the consumption story. Emergence of new retailing for mat. Availability of Credit Facilities. HOW FARMERS TO GET BENEFITED: Farmers in India get only 10%-12% of the price the consumer pays for the agri-products. Coming of organized retailing will benefit farmers in big way. Big retailers sell their product at very competitive prices. So, they source it directly from the farmers. Middle man does not have any place in this format of retailing. This will not only benefit farmers but also help in checking the food inflation.Also India has very inadequate facilities to store the food grains and vegetables. As the investment will flow into back end infrastructure, supply chain will get strengthened. Storage is a major problem area and 20%-25% of the agri products get wasted due to improper storage. Another area which is also the cause of concern is movement of vegetable and other perishable agri item from one place to another. Lack of proper transportation forces the farmer to sell their produce in local market. This results in the lower rea lization on the produce. Impact of FDI on farmers all over the world: In 1970, hog producers received 48 cents of each dollar spent on pork. in 2000 they received only 12 cents. Prices to consumer did not decrease. †¦ In 1990 ranchers and farmers received 60 cents of the dollar spent on beef, retailers received 32. 5 and meat companies 7. 5 cents. In 2009 Farmers received 42. 5cent (down by 17. 5), retailers 49 cents, meat packers 8. 5cents. .. †¦ 4 pints of milk in UK costs 1. 45 pounds and farmer receives 40%(58 pence) of it. Causing a loss of 3 pence per 4 pints. Causing small farmers to close there shops. In Indian farmer receives 75% of consumer spend on a litre of milk. †¦ US farmers received direct commodity subsidies of over $167 Bn in 1995-2010. EU paid farmers direct subsidies of $51 Bn in 2010 alone. So why these big retailers are not helping reduce the subsidies to the farmers. †¦ †¦. In Mexico 25% of small farmers are off farming now due to big retail and imports under NAFTA. †¦. As mentioned in image above in Europe flow of goods from 3. 2 million farmers is controlled by 110 buying desks of big retailers catering to 160 million consumers. Today India has more than 600 million (78% 0f total farmer population) small and marginal farmers and a huge consumer base of more than a billion.Now imagine what havoc it may create when our small and marginal farmers will have to compete with bigger farmers of developed nation who fetch huge subsidies from their governments. 32 Lakh European farmers received total subsidy of Rs 26,970 Crores i. e. average Rs 8,41,68 per head approx. Now 21 Crore Indian farmers received total subsidy of nearly Rs. 1,54,00 Crores i. e. average Rs 19,494 per head approx. Now if tomorrow these retail giants start importing (using free trade agreement) from foreign farmers since the prices would much lesser with the help of their governments where would Indian farmer go?Why FDI is Opposed by Local Peo ple or Disadvantages of FDI : (a) Domestic companies fear that they may lose their ownership to overseas company (b) Small enterprises fear that they may not be able to compete with world class large companies and may ultimately be edged out of business; (c) Large giants of the world try to monopolise and take over the highly profitable sectors; (d) Such foreign companies invest more in machinery and intellectual property than in wages of the local people; (e) Government has less control over the functioning of such companies as they usually work as wholly owned subsidiary of an overseas company; SIDE EFFECTS OF THE FDI AND SOLUTION: Nevertheless much said about good things that FDI in retail will bring but argument will not be justified if we do not take into account the grey areas. Some of the grey areas are: -Predatory pricing could strangulate the domestic retailers. -It has been seen MNCs retailers uses there big size to kill competitors. -In order to bring goods at lowest poss ible price for customers they squeeze the margins of their suppliers. So as claimed by thousand that suppliers will benefit, it still doubted. In order to correct these anomalies, India need to have strong regulator for the sector.And at the same time strengthen the Competition Commission of India before these Big Retailers prowls into the Indian Territory. How can Indian farmer compete with rival farmers, – when basic infrastructure is not in place? – when rival farmers receive subsidies almost triple the yearly turnover of Indian farmers? – when crop insurance is not in place? I’m afraid that such uneven and misplaced competition would lead our farmers off their land into labours jobs since they do not have enough capital and supporting government. On other hand that farmer’s income will be improved argument fails sharply since even after having established big retailers network the USA and EU is consistently increasing the subsidies to the farme rs and still their farmers are into losses.What is the guarantee that FDI in multi-brand retail won’t displace Indian farmers? and put pressure on government to increase the subsidies too? Lastly, lets not blindly copy paste western models. We can definitely learn from them but by looking evenly at all sides and not just one which is shiny. Brief Latest Developments on FDI (all sectors including retail):- 2012 – October: In the second round of economic reforms, the government cleared amendments to raise the FDI cap (a) in the insurance sector from 26% to 49%; (b) in the pension sector it approved a 26 percent FDI; Now, Indian Parliament will have to give its approval for the final shape,†2012 – September : The government approved the a) Allowed 51% foreign investment in multi-brand retail, (b) Relaxed FDI norms for civil aviation and broadcasting sectors. – FDI cap in Broadcasting was raised to 74% from 49%; (c) Allowed foreign investment in power exchanges 2011 – December : (i) The Indian government removed the 51 percent cap on FDI into single-brand retail outlets and thus opened the market fully to foreign investors by permitting 100 percent foreign investment in this area. While the government claims that foreign direct investment (FDI) in multi-brand retail chains will create jobs, not a single global behemoth has come forward to set up shop in the country.A senior official of the commerce and industry ministry confirmed to Mail Today that â€Å"we have not received any application so far for FDI in retail†. According to industry sources, big foreign retail chains such as Walmart , Tesco and Carrefour that were expected to respond to the government's decision have gone into wait-and-watch mode due to uncertainty over the issue. Although Parliament had cleared the Bill to allow 51 per cent FDI in retail last December, the Opposition still had the right to a 30-day time limit to make amendments to the modific ations in the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) that the government had made to implement the decision.Since the notification on the changes in FEMA was tabled In Parliamenton November 30 and the 30-day period did not end even on December 20, which was the last day of the Winter Session, this right can only be exercised in the Budget Session. Commerce minister Anand Sharma has been trying his level best to get Walmart, Tesco and Carrefour on board and held several meetings with them. However, there is little point for a foreign retailer to invest money until this uncertainty on FEMA is cleared,a ministry official said. Left parties, in fact, have now moved a motion against the changes made in FEMA to implement the FDI decision and this has been admitted by the chairman of the Rajya Sabha during the current Budget Session. This will require a fresh round of voting for clearance.The Supreme Court has also added to the uncertainty as during the course of hearing a plea against FDI in multi-brand retail, it said that interests of small traders should not be affected. The apex court has said that there is apprehension in the minds of small traders that their business would be affected with the coming of multinational companies in the retail sector which needs to be addressed by putting some regulatory mechanism in place. The court Bench had also stated that big companies can bring down prices through unfair trade practices forcing small traders to shut their shops. Subsequently, these companies will increase the price and monopolise the market.According to senior officials, with general elections fast approaching, the political opposition to the move is expected to become even more vociferous. A senior official said that although the Bahujan Samaj Party and the Samajwadi Party had bailed out the government during the voting for the Bill, they have made it clear that they are in principle opposed to the move as it will cost jobs in the country. CONCLUSION: We w ish row over FDI in retail gets over soon and India should embrace new era of retailing. And Govt makes right kind of body to vigil these giants. Indian consumers are waiting to splurge. Indian consumers’ balance sheet is still clean, which provide much of room to consumption related debt.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Music Of Music Videos - 1557 Words
The development of music videos throughout many years has changed rapidly due to the relationship between media forms and platforms of different media kind of texts. Some issues in contemporary music videos are from the evolution of new technologies, social media and politics. Thus, artists throughout time have taken advantage of music videos in order to use it as a site for debates about politics of representation. Nowadays the majority of music videos are transforming and turning into short films and art in order for the artists to express themselves through this function. A music video that illustrates these media contexts is Justin Timberlake’s song â€Å"What Goes Around†. This essay will firstly describe this music video and how it has broadened the definition of the term music video, and then examine how this is relevant to media contexts. Therefore, with new technologies arising in music videos it tends to contribute to changes in ideas of musicianship and perfo rmance. On February 7th 2007, the artists Justin Timberlake released his music video to his song â€Å"What Goes Around†which turned out to be a short film as it was nine minutes and twenty-two seconds long. It was directed by Samuel Bayer and starred the actress Scarlett Johansson. It features acting, dialogue and of course the song itself. The lyrics of the song and the actions shown within the music video are of a relationship that ended badly due to cheating. It shows and portrays women’s bodies as a sex objectShow MoreRelatedThe Music Of Music Videos Essay1714 Words  | 7 PagesMusic composed for television generate another realm of modes and codes that differ even from the coding within film. Television has the opportunity to utilise music as an instrument for supporting narratives within television series and as means for marketing through commercials. 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