Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Male and Female Body Ideals and Image Essays - 1017 Words
Body image is defined as â€Å"the subjective image of one’s physical appearance established both by self-observation and observation by others†(Body Image). â€Å"Ideal†body image is constantly re-evaluated throughout the ages. Unfortunately, today, the ideal image is at its height in the American culture. Many factors, such as magazine articles, television shows, and even childhood toys are said to have an influence on body dissatisfaction. This negative self-image has caused many dangerous disorders in women and men of all ages. In the research of this topic, there are many questions of body image among cultures and stereotypes that are yet to be answered. Today, the ideal physical image is desperately sought after by Americans. Women seek†¦show more content†¦In 2009, it was debated whether the Barbie doll was helping or hurting the ideal body perspectives of young children (Brady ). The body dissatisfaction of much of the American population has led to extremely unhealthy habits in order to restore self-esteem. Children as young as 9 years-old say dieting makes them feel better about themselves (â€Å"Dissatisfaction†). Numerous mental and eating disorders, such as Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa, have become common. BN includes habits like vomiting, intense exercising, and fasting (â€Å"Dissatisfaction†). In 2006, America was ranked first in percentage of anorexic women and second in percentage of bulimia nervosa (Soh, Touyz, and Surgenor 54-65). Overall, the internalization of negative self-esteem causes anxiety, frustration, and depression. I am very interested in conducting my first research study on the topic of body image. Although, according to Claire Sterk, I learned that asking for personal information and opinions from people is not as easy as it seems (Sterk 24-29). Sterk had to work on knowing her participants on a personal level in order to gain their trust. She had to allow them time to realize that she is professional and, as part of her research, she would keep their information confidential. This made me wonder whether friends or strangers would be best for me to interview. My friends already trust me, but would they take me as a professional? With strangers, I don’t believe I wouldShow MoreRelatedMedia Effects On Body Image Essay1648 Words  | 7 PagesSpecific age groups and mostly women have been studied regarding media effects on body image. These studies did not test the external stimuli created by peer groups that have an impact on a person’s self-idealization. This study addressed individual age groups divided by gender in order to determine how much media effects body idealization and if gender peer group opinions impact self-idealization when viewing media models. Methods The methods used in this study incorporated individuals into groupsRead MoreThe Impact Of Media On Body Image1538 Words  | 7 Pagesthe concept of body image is influenced by external factors as culture, society norms, especially with the development of modern social media, it has grown up to be an important element in affecting the perception of body image to shape the body image. The influence of mass media may be related to the social comparison process of appearance in female and male. The ideal media body image, it is easy to compare in everyday life, and that will result to dissatisfaction with people s body size. On theRead MoreEssay about Movie Icons1614 Words  | 7 Pagespounds, at 5’4†feet tall. Back then, the ideal female body is by having a smaller mid-section (e.g. hourglass ideal/corsets). Marilyn Monroe’s tiny waist and seemingly large bust line triggered female fans to start to engage more on physical activities. The outburst on slender- looking portrayal of body-image began in early 1960s (e.g. Fashion icon, Twiggy). Most western societies experience enormous pressures on individuals to conform and achieve the thin-ideal. This influence by mass-media affectsRead MoreWomen s Representation Of Women1676 Words  | 7 PagesIn a survey regarding body image, 69.3% of teenagers said they were not happy with their appearance, and 64% of women in there sixties said they were not happy with their appearance either. The difference between the two, however, is that the majority of the older women were ‘grateful’ about the way they look, while most teenagers described themselves as ‘self-conscious’ when it comes to their physical appearance (â€Å"How Women Feel About Their Looks†). These statistics prove that women of all agesRead MoreThe Study Of Body Image1572 Words  | 7 PagesThe study of body image is a broad topic that touches many subjects including gender. However, the study of body image has been focused mainly on females. This is because the physical shape and image of male bodies have not changed over the history. From the ancient Greek until the modern era, the masculinity is the predominant stereotype for men. Masculine traits include courage, independence and assertiveness (Judith, 2001; Murray, 2000). In contrast to the male body, the female figures have beenRead MoreInfluence of American Mass Media Ideals on Body Image and Eating Disorders in the U.S1243 Words  | 5 Pageshave an enormous impact on society and how people act, especially in developed countries. How do mass media influence views of body image and the development of eating disorders? People living in countries influenced by Western culture show concern for their appearance or dietary habits daily. This paper will analyze the effect of mass media on the issues of body image and eating disorders in the United States. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV-TR (DSM-IV-TR)Read MoreThe Body Image And Advertisements1630 Words  | 7 PagesBody Image and Advertisements In roughly three decades, the number of advertisement exposed to consumers daily went from 500 in the 1970’s to as many as 5000 today (Johnson, 2006). Fashion advertisements often promote models that have an ideal body which is often models with thin bodies (Diedrichs Lee 2011). Consequently, these advertisements set unrealistic standards to the public (Yu, Damhorst Russell, 2011). Researchers have found that consumers are constantly comparing themselvesRead MoreHow Does The Media Affect Male Body Image?874 Words  | 4 PagesExploratory Analysis: How Does The Media Effect Male Body Image? Today in modern society, we are driven by social forces. Not only do we strive for human approval and companionship, we also thrive on social media. The media plays such a pivotal role in what we buy, eat, wear, etc. that we are conditioning ourselves to fit the mold for the â€Å"perfect†or â€Å"ideal†body type. This social construct has been a pressing issue for many years regarding the female physique, but not as much has been said on behalfRead MoreSelf Esteem And Body Among Students Studying At Professional And Non Professional Courses1657 Words  | 7 Pages To Study Self- Esteem and Body -Esteem among Students studying in Professional and Non-Professional courses Dr. Nadeem Luqman and Supriya Srivastava Self-esteem reflects a persons overall evaluation or appraisal of his or her own worth. Psychologists usually regard self-esteem as an enduring personality characteristics, it has become the third most frequently occurring theme in psychologicalRead MoreDifferences Between Mirror Gazing, Gender, And Self Esteem, Body Dysmorphic Disorder976 Words  | 4 PagesUniversity. The purpose of the study was to determine whether females were more likely to look in the mirror than males. Females and males were observed at two locations on campus where reflective surfaces were available. Students recorded whether or not a female or male looked at his/her reflection at the reflective surface. The results of the study revealed that there were more females than males who had looked at their reflection. Females are more likely to have self-esteem issues and it is possible
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Civil War And Its Beginnings - 2457 Words
The Civil War Joseph Bisterfeldt March 24, 2016 English (4) and History (6) Word Count: 1,574 Outline The Civil War and Its Beginnings Thesis: At the outset of the American Civil War the South was right in its decision in seceding from the Union because of the political and financial pressures put upon them. I. When the Civil War began, the South was the side that was right because they felt that the North was invading them and they must protect their way of life. A. South was dragged into war by pressure put on them politically. 1. Missouri Compromise 2. Disagreement over Federal vs. States powers B. The differences in which the north and south handled there resources. 1. Northern industrial vs. Southern agriculture 2.†¦show more content†¦The Civil War did not start fully on slavery unlike what people think. A. False view on slavery 1. Thought that south went to war for slavery 2. Most southerners did not own slaves B. False Union view on slavery 1. Did not go to war to free slaves 2. Did not want to die for them The Civil War and Its Beginnings The Civil War was one that would change America forever; and this was one that was fought over beliefs and one people’s lively hood rather than land or riches. Many people believe that the Civil War was fought because of the conversional issue on slavery, however there was much more to the Civil War than merely slavery. The Civil War was the first war to be fought on the grounds of the United States since the War of 1812 were they defeated the invading British. The people who fought in this war would be one that would define who they were and what it as a nation would become. The Civil War was fought from views that are different than those that were for slavery and those who were against slavery. The South wanted freedom to choose what they believed that was right and the North felt like they had to control the country from the Federalist view. At the outset of the American Civil War the South was right in its decision in seceding from the Union because of the political and financial pressures put upon them. When the Civil War began, the South was the side that was right because they felt that the North was invading them and they must
Sunday, December 8, 2019
The Philippines Under Spanish Rule free essay sample
As a crown colony, the Philippines was administered by the Council of the Indies. Even so, the Spanish officials in the Philippines were appointed by the King of Spain, who issued Royal orders and decrees dealing with the proper administration of the colony. In 1863, the Philippines, as a colony, was placed under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of the Colonies or Overseas Ministry (Ministerio de Ultramar). In order to make the administration of the Philippines efficient, the Overseas Ministry was advised and aided in its work by the Council of the Indies. The Central Government In organizing the central government of the Philippines, the Spanish authorities saw to it that they would be guided by their experience in Mexico and South America. Consequently, many features of the government established in these countries were adopted in the Philippines. Like Mexico and Spanish America, the Laws of the Indies were applied in the Philippines. Some Spanish laws were likewise adopted, like La Novisima Recopilacion, Leyes de Toro, And the Siete Partidas. Thes laws,as well as the Laws of the Indies, were humane, however, most of them were not even enforced in the Philippines. The Spanish colonizers organized a highly centralized form of government. By this, it meant that the central or national government was so powerful that almost everything had to be done with its knowledge and consent. The central government was headed by governor and captain-general, or governor-general, who was appointed by the King of Spain. As governor-general, he was the King’s official representative in the colony. He possessed vast executive, legislative, and judicial powers. There were, however, only two branches of government: the executive and the judicial. There was no legislature or congress because the laws for the Philippines were made by the Spaniards in Spain and, to a certain extent, by the governor-general himself. He issued orders with the force of law, which were called superior decrees. On the other hand, decrees or orders coming from the king of Spain were called Royal decrees or orders. The governor-general was the president or the presiding officer of the Audencia. He was also the vice-royal patron in the Philippines. As the King’s representative, he could appoint minor officials in the government, including the parish priests. He was also the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. Combining all these powers, the governor-general was truly a powerful official. This power was best shown in the right of cumplase bestowed upon him by the King. The cumplase was the right of the governor to suspend the operation of a Royal decree or order relative to the Philippines if in his opinion, he said order or decree would not be beneficial to the administration of the country. The usual formula in exercising the right of cumplase was â€Å"I obey but do not comply†. The Audencia The judicial powers of the government were exercised by the Audiencia and the lower courts. The Audencia was established in the Philippines in 1583 to administer justice to the aggrieved people in the colony. Governor Santiago de Vera was its first president. The Audiencia was the highest court insofar as civil and criminal cases brought before the Audiencia by the governor. In the absence of a governor or when he could not perform his duties, the Audiencia exercised political and administrative powers. It also audited the finances of the government. Some powerful persons in the colonial government were against the Audiencia because the population of the Philippines was still small to justify having an audiencia. Also, the natives were very poor. This being the case, the Audiencia was a financial burden to the king of Spain. Because of this opposition, the Audiencia was abolished in 1589. In its place, a council composed of 400 members headed by governor-general was created. This council, however, was unsatisfactory to many because of its many members. So the King ordered the re-establishment of the Audiencia in 1595. However, it actually carried out its function in 1598 when it was inaugurated. Local Government Under the central government was the provincial government. Pacified provinces, which were already recognizing the authority of Spain, were governed by civil provincial governors. Those that were not yet fully pacified and conquered were ruled by military officers. The provincial governor was called alcalde mayor . He was appointed by the governor-general. His salary was small but he could collect a part of the tribute to increase his income. What made him rich and powerful was the right given to him to engage in trade. This right was called indulto de comercio . In almost all cases, the provincial governor abused this power so that he committed graft and corruption. It was later abolished in 1844 because the alcalde mayor abused his power to the extent of scandalizing the Spaniards. Another anomalous practice was the provincial governor’s role as judge of the province. Since many abuses were committed by the governor-judge, in 1886, the King ordered that the provincial governor should remain as judge only. Another man was appointed as provincial governor whose main duty was to administer the province. Under the provincial government was the municipal government. The town or municipality, composed of several barrios, was headed by the gobernadorcillo (little governor), also called capitan municipal or simply captain. Today, he is called mayor. The gobernadorcillo was elected by thirteen electors who were prominent in the town. Six of these electors were former cabezas de barangay ; six were actual cabezas de barangay, and the thirteenth elector was outgoing capitan. The one selected as gobernadorcilo had to be approved by the Spanish friar-curate. If approved, his name to the office of the governor-general in Manila for final approval. The capitan was aided in the administration of the town by deputies called tenientes, a chief of police, and subordinate officials called aguaciles. The City and its Government During the first century of Spanish rule, there were only two cities: Cebu and Manila. As conquest and settlement continued, the Spanish officials created one city after another. By the seventeenth century, the Philippines had six cities : Cebu, Manila,Vigan, Nueva Sigovia (now Lal-lo Cagayan), Arevalo (now part of Iloilo City), and Nueva Caceres (now Naga). The city, then and now, was the center of social, commercial, religious, and cultural life. Its government was different from that of the town. It was called ayuntamiento, equivalent to today’s city hall, and consisted of two alcaldes, twelve regidores (now called councilors), a chief of police, a city secretary, and few other lesser officials. Each barrio or barangay of the town was headed by cabeza who did not receive any salary. However, he was considered a member of the taxes collected in his barrio. Also, he was considered a member principalia or the aristocracy, together with the town mayor and other municipal officials. As a former maharlika, who ruled the barangay as datu. at, or lakan, they given economic and political privileges. Residencia and the Visita Because of the abuses committed by many Spanish officials, who were sent to the Philippines, the King and ministers of Spain introduced two institutions: Residencia- was the public investigation and trial of outgoing colonial official in order to ensure whether they had committed abuses in the performance of their duties. Visita- was a secret investigation of an official’s conduct as a public servant. Its purpose is to ensure that the official will work honestly and efficiently as he was expected to do.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Peter Tchaikovsky free essay sample
Tchaikovsky is one of the most famous Russian composers. Born in May 7, 1840 in Bodkins, Tchaikovsky was the second son of a mining engineer. His musical Interests were supported by his parents and he was given piano lessons at the age of five. Three years later, the family moved from Pothooks to Moscow to SST. Petersburg due to the fathers unsteady Jobs. The move proved to be a gallants milestone In Tchaikovsky life; it had set the course for Tchaikovsky progress Into the musical world and his successes. From September of 1850 to May of 1859,Tchaikovsky attended the School of Jurisprudence, a boarding school in SST. Petersburg where he received an excellent education and further pursued his interest in music. During this time, he continued piano lessons with Rudolf Sundering, a well known piano teacher, and Lugging Piccolo, an Italian master. Both teachers profoundly influenced Tchaikovsky, especially Piccolo who was one of the first to recognize his talent. We will write a custom essay sample on Peter Tchaikovsky or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Piccolo influenced Tchaikovsky admiration towards Rossini, Beeline, and Tendonitis who were popular Italian opera composers.Also at the raiding school, signs of Tchaikovsky homosexuality became apparent, although throughout his life, his homosexuality was kept quiet for the risk off scandal. After graduation, Tchaikovsky began to work as a call servant In the Ministry of Justice while also discovering a social life filled with theater, ballets, and operas. But then In 1 862, Tchaikovsky enrolled in the SST. Petersburg Conservatory, resigning from the Ministry of Justice to focus on music. He studied theory and composition, piano, flute and organ under his principal teachers, Anton Rubberiest and Nikolas Cream.He also began to give private piano lessons of his own and composing his first few works such as Characteristic Dances that was conducted by Joann Strauss and String Quartet in a-flat major. In 1866, Tchaikovsky leaves SST. Petersburg to become a musical theory teacher and to continue composing. Soon, he began composing music in many deferent genres Including operas, symphonies, cantatas and ballets. By 1869, he completed his first opera, The Avoid and by 1876, he completed his first ballet, Swan Lake, which Is still being widely performed to this day.But while he was becoming more successful having many premieres and travels, his personal life was becoming more less than perfect. The year 1877 was a significant time. In May, Tchaikovsky hastily married Antonio Malicious. His letters point to the evidence that he married to please his father and possibly society in escape of his homosexuality. Tchaikovsky had a difficult time adjusting; after leaving and coming back to his wife, he suffered a nervous attack and was unconscious for two weeks. He and his new bride separated two months later. The marriage affected Tchaikovsky in his creativity and his music. Along with the devastating marriage, Tchaikovsky had also become financially independent after Endeared von Meek, his benefactress. During this time, he created great works that parallel his feelings of anguish: the Fourth Symphony and Eugene Nonage. While his earlier symphonies are generally more optimistic, the last three of his numbered symphonies, the fourth, fifth and sixth, are more Intense, dramatic, and of despair. Until his death In 1893, Tchaikovsky intoned to travel, compose, conduct, and made tours including one to America. Embodied into his national folk melodies with a western influence: he united the symphonic thought of Beethoven and Schumann with the work of Gillian, and transformed Lists and Berliners achievements in depletive-programmatic music into matters of Shakespearian elevation and psychological import (Wiley, 2006). In 1893, architraves composed his last work, the Sixth Symphony. The first movement was concerned with activity and passion; the second on love; the third on experimented, and then with a striking finale of despair, anguish and death; all Ninth richness of melody and gesture.Nine days after the symphony was performed, in October 28, Peter Tchaikovsky died officially from cholera, but disputably from suicide. Tchaikovsky left to the world many works including two more popular ballets, Sleeping Beauty and The Nutcracker, ten operas, three piano concerti, six numbered symphonies, and other works for the orchestra, choir, solo piano and more. Peter Tchaikovsky was a talented composer who will continue to influence the Nor of classical music.
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